
Life Friuli Fens - Conservation and restoration of calcareous fens in Friuli

Life Friuli Fens ©











The general aims of the project are the conservation of last alkaline fens system fragments of Friuli lowland, the medium date expansion of habitats through their reconstruction, the conservation of existing populations of alkaline fen typical botanical species and their numeric growth.

The specific aims of the project are:

The protection, maintenance and improvement of abandoned habitat biodiversity, through the purchase of lands and the reintroduction of an appropriate management that prevents scrub encroachment.

The connection of existing alkaline fen, through the purchase of farmlands and the reconstruction of natural habitats, even by creating functional units whose dimensions could justify hydrographical system modifications.

The creation of a buffer zone among the most important natural habitats and the intensive farming areas, through the restoration of farmlands.

The reconnection of some existing populations of endemic and community interesting species (Erucastrum palustre, Armeria helodes), and the construction of new sites for the reintroduction of ex-situ grown specimens.

The production of ex-situ grown specimens of the main typical species of community interest, which are endangered.

The production of specimens and seeds, grown ex-situ, of the most important floristic species that characterize the alkaline fens and the wet meadows, so as to be used in the habitat restoration.

The implementation of the habitat general environmental conditions, conservation and growth, through specific actions and the right management, so as to improve their floristic populations, with particular reference to community interesting species,  the Red National List species and glacial relicts.


